The club owner is responsible for the content.
Imprint of the Clubs/Owner
SC Bühnenproduktionen GmbH
Stresemannstraße 159a * 22769 Hamburg
Fon-Club: 040/416267-23
Fon-Büro: 040/416267-21
E-Mail: office {at}
Bankverbindung: Hamburger Volksbank eG BLZ 201 900 03 Kto. 5800 5803
IBAN: DE 81 2019 0003 0058 0058 03 BIC: GENODEF1HH2 USt.ID: DE 291760057
Geschäftsführer: Robert Hager, Christian Gerlach * HRB 128840 Amtsgericht Hamburg
Liability notice
Despite careful control we assume no liability for the content of external links.